519-265-4504, 511 Edinburgh Road S., Suite 102, Guelph, ON N1G 2S5


New Members welcome anytime with our 2 week trial

Register NOW & start anytime​​

Mark your calendars...​​​​​​​​​​​

As soon as dates are set or changed for upcoming events they are posted here!

Check back for regular updates...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Sat Apr 12 Saturday Sparring 11-12pm for ranks Orange to Black

April 14-19 *SPECTATOR WEEK* Mon-Thu & Sat

Mon Apr 21 Dojo Closed - Easter Monday

Sat Apr 26 *Traditional Grading

Sat May 24 *Traditional Grading

Sat Jun 7 *Little Griffin Grading

Sat Jun 21 *Traditional Grading

Classes continue all summer - schedule stays the same

Aug 29 - Sep 8, 2025 Annual Summer Holiday

We always appreciate your referrals.  Share the love!  Let your friends and neighbours know they can try karate with our 2 week trial! 

Send them to our website for info www.GuelphFamilyKarate.com.

Support Your Karate School

Follow our social media pages for lots of current training and event pics. 

Your participation, liking and commenting, helps us out.

If you feel inspired, please review us on Google.

Thank you :)

Kyoshi Mike & Sensei Karen

*All gradings are INVITATION ONLY.  Dates noted above are for planning purposes only.  Personal grading invitations are sent by email approximately 2 weeks before the date.  Senseis decide who is ready to grade.  Please see your Student Manual for information on curriculum expecations at each rank and our grading procedures.